“ Like seriously a witch?" Clara said, shaking her head.
“ Okay now I am talking nonsense but when Mathias talks about vampires, werewolves and witches he is making sense right? ” Anna said arms folded.
“ That's because mine makes a whole lot of sense but yours don't, ” Mathias said and they all laughed.
“ But seriously though, I got to get this laptop fixed as soon as possible, ” Clara said.
“ Then pray Mrs Henry grows a heart this few minutes, ” Anna said...
Some minutes later the door to the office opened up, walking in was Mrs Henry and she had a student with her who was helping her carry her files the very much shy Patricia Kelvin. ( not Patricia Noah's girlfriend)
“ Thank you, you may return to your class, ” Mrs Henry said and Clara and the rest tried to use that opportunity as an excuse to leave with Patricia.