Chapter 33

  [ Quick catch-up ]

  During the morning period while they were in Mrs Henry office she told them their punishment would be that they would have to come to school the next day which happened to be a Saturday a freakin weekend!! she informed them she would be taking them to a place where they would be doing some community service - helping the Elderly people for the most of that day.

  And clearly Anna is still very much hung up on this, Mathias really didn't mind, in fact he did actually prefer that than staying at home especially now that his adopted mum wasn't home and he is left with only his adopted dad. Clara was very upset at first but now all what was on her mind was why Adams wasn't in school...

  [ End of catching up ]

  “ ...well it's not like that, it's just __you know he helped me and Mathias the other day and I just wanted to thank him, ” 

  Clara said tongue twisting all the way. 

  “ Really haven't you thanked him enough? ” Anna said, not buying it one bit.