Chapter 14: She’s About to Have Another Episode

"Oh, judging by that look on your face, it seems that I'm not welcome here. Were you expecting to see Hanson? But how shall I put it? He won't be coming here to see you. He absolutely despises you now."

It was Tanya.

"She's here to rub it in now that things are going her way," Wendy thought.

Tanya stood before Wendy like a proud peacock and looked at her with utter contempt.

"Tsk tsk. The most beautiful socialite? Ha! In my opinion, you look more like a pathetic dog these days. Tell me, how did you become so shameless now? How could you live on so shamelessly after Hanson's humiliated you like that?"

Wendy shot a piercing glare at Tanya.

Tanya simply ignored it and continued as if the thought had just struck her, "Oh, right! Hanson won't let you die for my sake, and that's because..."

She squatted down and poked at Wendy's abdomen where the liver would be. "If I want that liver of yours, Hanson will definitely get it for me."