Chapter 28: Apologise to Her Now

Whilst saying that, Tanya squatted down beside the child and held his face in her hands. She seemed truly heartbroken as she wept, "I'm sorry, Kerwin. Does your face still hurt? It's all my fault. You were hit because I've made your aunt angry."

Bonnie saw her opportunity and quickly said, "Wendy, how could you be so vicious? Look at those red marks on the child's face. How could you do such a thing to a young child? It's little wonder that Hanson has sent you to prison before this. You deserved it."

Wendy ignored those two hypocrites and stared defiantly at Hanson. "I didn't hit the child."

Bonnie stomped her feet and walked up to Hanson. "Hanson, don't be fooled by this woman's cunning words. I was just by the door when I saw her hit him with my own eyes."

Then, she bent forward to look at Tanya's face and said, "Look, there are red marks on Tanya's face too."