Chapter 35: You Need to Move On

Hanson loosened his grip on Howard's shoulder in an instant. With his hands hanging limply on his sides, he staggered a few steps backwards.

Vincent responded quickly, and he managed to steady Hanson with Howard's help.

Howard said to Vincent, "I have to go in now and find out what's going on. I'll leave him to you."

Vincent nodded. "We'll put our faith in you, Mr. Chaziel."

Howard fell silent. He merely took a glance at Hanson, then he turned around and hurried into the operating room.

Vincent supported Hanson as he led him to a nearby bench. Once Hanson had sat down, Vincent squatted down and looked up at his face, then he spoke in a low voice, "Master Hanson, Mrs. Wendy has passed on, but Miss. Nielsen's operation is still not over yet. You must stay strong."

Hanson closed his eyes as a deep sense of helplessness overwhelmed him. He really couldn't bother himself with anything else at the moment.
