Chapter 41: A Shameless Woman Like You

Wendy lifted her eyes from the ground and watched as the servants came out of the front door one after the other. A small frown creased her forehead.

"He's asked everyone to leave the house...

"I'm feeling a little scared for some reason," she thought.

She looked at Vincent. She had wanted to ask him what was going on, so that she could prepare herself for what's to come.

However, a servant came running over to talk to Vincent at that moment, so she just kept silent.

She turned around and made her way into the house unhurriedly. After changing into her indoor slippers near the entrance, she entered the living room.

Hanson was sitting in the middle of a couch when she had arrived there. His dark malevolent eyes seemed like they were about to pierce right through her.

With a solemn expression, Wendy walked towards him.

But when she had gotten nearer to the coffee table, she saw the photos that were strewn on it.