Chapter 47: I’m Sorry, and I Love Her

The left side of Ryan's face was practically deformed, but Wendy had nonetheless recognised him right away with the other half of his face.

She stared silently at his face as tears streamed down her cheeks and fell on one of Ryan's grubby hands.

"Who would have thought that Ryan Simons, who was once known as a charming and carefree man in all of Heaven City, would end up dying like this?" She thought.

She slowly reached out her hand and tried to wipe off the dust on the right side of Ryan's face.

However, there was just too much dust stuck on his face, and she could not seem to wipe them off completely.

As she tried persistently to clean his face, she started laughing with a grief-stricken expression all of a sudden. In the end, she was crying and laughing at the same time.