Chapter 52: It Was a Sad Day for the Simons Family

Wendy tilted her chin at him defiantly. "Master Hanson, thank you for having your dearest lover come all the way here to pay her last respects to Ryan. However, we won't accept your kindness, nor do we appreciate it."

Hanson narrowed his eyes. "How ungrateful can you get? She is Ryan's cousin, and she has every right to be here."

"Hanson." Wendy's voice was surprisingly steely. "Today, the Simons Family that you despise so much are grieving over the loss of a loved one. You can watch from the side and laugh at our pathetic state. Or you can stand by Tanya's side and humiliate us. But please just stop forcing your personal opinions on us. Even if Ryan was truly a wicked and despicable person, I don't need this woman here to act like she's really mourning over Ryan's death. Also, we don't really want to see you there as well."

Hanson took a step closer towards Wendy.