Chapter 58  Can You Get Me Some... Contraceptive Pills?

Vincent spoke with a rather disappointed look on his face, "Because the worker was standing rather far away from them, and thus, he couldn't really see the other person's face clearly. He could only describe that man as having a crew-cut hair, and that he seemed much taller and fatter than Ryan. The two of them appears to have gotten into a scuffle since he saw the man grabbing Ryan by his collar at that time. But since Ryan hadn't gotten along with the rest of the workers up till then, that worker didn't pay any mind to it and went on his way to finish his meal after that."

"In other words, he didn't witness the crime," Hanson said flatly.

Vincent replied, "Yes."

"Is there a chance that we might be able to find this man?" Wendy asked, her face looked pale and grim.

Vincent responded hesitantly, "Even if we do find that man, we can't prove that he had murdered Ryan without a proper witness."