Chapter 62 Are You Sure That You’d Be Able to Escape?

Charley had a look of bewilderment on his face as he stared at Wendy. Then, he placed his hand against Wendy's forehead.

"You clearly have a fever with how much you're burning on your forehead. Why are you lying to me still?"

Wendy forced a smile and said weakly, "I'm not lying. I've drenched myself with cold water so that I would develop a fever. Then, I pretended to have fainted so that they'd bring you here to the hospital to see me."

Wendy was indeed feeling a little light-headed at the moment, but in truth, she was not in any serious condition.

She had done all of those things to get herself admitted to the hospital for two reasons. Firstly, she had wanted to see Charley and help him escape. And secondly, she was trying to make Hanson doubt whether Tanya was truly innocent.

Though it seemed like she had failed to achieve her second goal.

She was nonetheless very glad that she could meet Charley.