Chapter 66 Yes, I Do.

"Prison..." That word rang in her ears.

Wendy slowly opened her eyes. Then, she turned her head to the side and looked at him.

Hanson leaned forward and seized her by the chin. "What's wrong? You're not going to pretend to be unconscious any more? Wendy, did you really think that your plan was completely flawless?"

Wendy remained silent as she stared back at him defiantly.

Hanson threatened her furiously through clenched teeth, "Just you wait and see. I'll make you pay for what you did today. If I want someone dead, I'll hunt that person down and end them, no matter what it takes."

Wendy was extremely scared and worried internally at the time. Yet, she had to remain calm nevertheless.

She was confident that as long as Charley had followed her instructions precisely, Hanson's men would never be able to find him and Peter.

Her only wish then was that Charley would not fall into Hanson's trap.

For a whole week, there was no news of Peter's or Charley's whereabouts.