Chapter 82 The Fate That Is to Befall Kerwin

After lunch, Tanya cast a furtive glance at Kerwin's nanny.

Upon seeing that signal from her, the nanny immediately came up to her and asked, "Miss Nielsen, I came across a patch of wild flowers when I went for a walk just now. Shall I bring Mrs. Wendy and Young Master Kerwin there to go for a stroll?"

Tanya's mouth turned up in a gentle smile. "Sure, go ahead then."

The nanny walked over to Kerwin and took him by the hand. "Mrs. Wendy, young master, let's go."

Wendy felt a creeping dread for some reason... She had this feeling in her guts that something was off with Tanya's actions today.

Tanya asked her when she saw that Wendy did not budge, "What's the matter, Wendy?"

Wendy simple ignored her as she turned to look at Hanson. "Can I not go?"

Tanya flashed her a smile and said, "Wendy, don't worry. I won't be tagging along. You don't have to stay away from Kerwin just because you don't want to be near me."