Chapter 84 He’ll Never Trust Me

Wendy lay face down on the ground. She pressed her forehead against the gravelly surface and sobbed uncontrollably.

"I'm not the one at fault. It really wasn't my fault.

"But I'm willing to take all the blame now if it would bring Kerwin back to us.

"Why did Tanya have to use that child in her schemes?

"That was a young and precious life.

"I resent all of them.

"I resent Tanya, and I resent Hanson even more for his ignorance," she raged inwardly.

Bonnie stood at the side and scoffed, "Wendy, don't act like you're really sad. Kerwin's dead now. So, who are even you shedding those crocodile tears for?"

Howard raised his eyes and cast Bonnie a disapproving gaze. "Miss Hunk, can you just shut up?"

"Everyone is mourning over the loss of a young life, yet she's still eagerly trying to fan the flames..." He pondered.