Chapter 86 I Regret Not Having Killed You Earlier On

"Get out, all of you."

Hanson commanded in an eerily cold voice.

His bodyguards filed out of the room silently, and the door was closed as the last one exited the room.

Hanson, who had showed up at the basement with a whip in his hand, slightly loosened his grip on the whip. He was looking at Wendy with a penetrating gaze, and he demanded in a menacing tone, "Say it! Why did you kill him?"

Wendy had an inkling of what was about to happen next.

She also knew that there was no escaping from it, and she could only brace herself and face Hanson's wrath.

Despite that, she just couldn't stay silent and not do anything about it.

"Hanson, I'm only going to explain this once. I don't care whether you'd believe me or not, I didn't hurt Kerwin. It was Tanya who has conspired with the nanny and some men to frame me for his death. They..."

Before she could even finish that sentence, Hanson had raised his hand high and whipped her at that very instant with all his might.