Chapter 88 The One Who Should Leave Is Wendy

Howard knitted his brows. "I did find something, but there is not enough evidence to back Wendy's claims. With how livid and impulsive Hanson is right now, I doubt that he would ever believe me even if I were to tell him about it."

Vincent said firmly, "If we could find the evidence to prove Mrs. Wendy's innocence, Master Hanson would definitely stop punishing Mrs. Wendy."

Howard pondered for a moment and said to Vincent, "Vincent, I need to ask a favour from you."

"I'm all ears, Mr. Chaziel. I will gladly help you with it if it's something within my capabilities."

"Seize the nanny, who was with Wendy yesterday, and have her sent to my house in secret. Be careful not to let anyone else in Yale Mansion notice this, especially Tanya."

"Understood. Thank you so much, Mr. Chaziel."

Howard wasn't quite sure if what he was doing would turn out to be helpful in the end. He could only do everything that he can for the sake of his friends.