Chapter 95 You Should Just Die in His Stead

Wendy fainted.

By the time she had come to again, she found that she was in a hospital ward.

She had somewhat regained some strength in her body. She sat up in bed without sparing Hanson, who was sitting beside the bed, a glance. Then, she suddenly jumped out of the bed and rushed towards the door.

Hanson lunged forward and caught hold of her wrist. "Where are you going?"

Wendy tore her hand out of his grip and grabbed onto the doorknob.

However, Hanson seized her by the shoulders and turned her around, then he had her pressed against the door. "It's pointless for you to go back there now. We were too late. Charley..."

Wendy asked in a hoarse and shaky voice, "Is Charley... dead?"

"He came through the operation very well, and he's now in a stable condition, but... his body..."

Hanson fell silent abruptly.

Wendy plopped down on the floor with her back against the door. Her eyes grew sombre and vacant as the news left her completely dumbfounded.