We're Over

Her sarcastic words caused Hanson's guilty mood to be covered with a layer of ice. He said coldly, "Even if I said something nasty last night, it was my fault. Don't target innocent people."

Wendy's brows twitched slightly.

Obviously, he was protecting Anna.

If he had heard such words in his previous life, he would have been furious.

Because at that time, Hanson always protected Anna. He kept saying that Anna had saved his life, but he never said what Anna had done for him.

He was cold to everyone except for Anna. Therefore, many people felt that he liked Anna.

Wendy had always been obsessed with Hanson, so she hated Anna very much.

Tanya took the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and always tried to sow discord between them. Anna was often targeted by Wendy.

The more she did, the more Hanson hated her.

As a result, after Anna and Tanya got into trouble, Hanson immediately pointed the blame at her...