Let Me Take Care Of You

Hearing this, Hanson immediately said, "Then you don't have to come."

If she didn't come, the old tutor wouldn't make trouble in public again.

Evan was anxious. "That won't do. Wendy is my childhood sweetheart and my Coming of Age ceremony. Since she has nothing important to do, how can she be absent? I don't agree."

After that, he patted his chest and promised Wendy, "Wendy, don't worry. I'll agree to your request. On the day of my Coming of Age ceremony, you will never see Tanya."

Wendy pretended to be happy and hugged Evan. "Evan, I know you're the best. I have to go to my grandmother's place. Send me there. I have something to talk to you about."

Evan said straightforwardly, "Okay, brother. Go ahead. I'll take my leave with Wendy."

As usual, he walked past Hanson with his arms around his back.

Watching the two of them disappear from his sight, Hanson was about to explode with anger.