You Are Killing Someone

Half an hour later, there was a sudden shout from the corridor at the stern of the third floor.

"Oh no, Third Young Master has fallen into the water!"

After a riot, the yacht stopped on the sea.

The security guards on the ship immediately put down the security equipment and began to search and rescue.

In the distance, it was crowded with guests who were watching.

The old master brought everyone over after hearing the news. Their hearts almost fell out as they looked at the surface of the sea.

Evan's heart was full of pain.

Zara pounced on the railing and burst into tears. "Evan, Evan..."

Sean and Hanson grabbed her from both sides.

Sean's voice was full of worry. "Crape Myrtle, don't be like this. Our son will be fine."

Hanson also held Zara's arm tightly with one hand and looked intently at the sea level where the stern lights were lit up.