The Anger Of Envy

Wendy told his parents that he wanted to participate in the Fragrance Cultivation Contest and take this opportunity to develop his career.

Peter was completely opposed to her grandmother's instructions because of her plan at the beginning.

But when Wendy finished his plan and repeatedly promised that nothing would happen that his grandmother was worried about, he hesitated for a long time. Finally, under the persuasion of Cecilia, he nodded and agreed.

Wendy hugged Peter excitedly, kissed him on the cheek, and flattered him happily. "Dad, I know that you are the best dad in the world. Dad likes you."

Peter pretended to look at her with disdain and snorted, "I think your mother is right. You can coax me with the rainbow fart every day."

Wendy acted like a spoiled child and snuggled into Peter's arms.

It was so nice to have a father to rely on.

Outside The old master's suite, Hanson and his brother walked out of the room one after the other.