Chapter 156 Son of a bit...

Yilia parked the car and walked quickly to the club.

But she was stopped at the door.

Wendy rolled down the window and heard that Yilia was dealing with the doorman, saying that she just went in to look for him, and then she came out when she found him.

However, the doorman refused to let him go.

Wendy knew very well what kind of place the royal club was.

With Yilia's current status, it was impossible for her to get a VIP card.

In her previous life, it was reported in the news that Yilia caught her fiance at the gate of the club, but was beaten by his fiance...

Wendy couldn't help but frown. "Is this the time?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was really after her birthday.

Seeing the royal manager coming out, the commander dragged Yilia down the stairs.

Wendy opened the door, walked over with a cold face, and held Yilia from behind.

Seeing that it was Wendy, the two security guards immediately let go of her.