Chapter 163 I just love you

Eason looked at him coldly and said, "It's not wrong for you to be slapped."

Charlie felt wronged and depressed. "Uncle, Mia and I really didn't do anything."

Eason looked at him coldly and said, "Whether you do it or not, you are wrong because you have a fiancee and your ex-girlfriend met you alone. There is no room for you to argue!"

Wendy knew that Eason was reasonable. She took the opportunity to make up for it. "By the way, Charlie lied to Yilia that he was seeing a client. He just met him, and he said that he lied because he was afraid that Yilia would think too much."

Eason narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Yilia. "Since Charlie is wrong, Miss Will has the right to execute him. How do you want to deal with this matter?"

At this time, Charlie finally turned his head to face Yilia.

He didn't want to lose face in public, so he hurriedly said, "Yilia, others can't trust me. You should believe me, right? I am really innocent. I only love you."