Chapter 186 Live together

Evan was so frightened that he almost dropped the chopsticks in his hands.

How dare you insult his brother for his lack of dignity?

His Wendy really stood up, awesome.

What was even more rare was that Hanson wasn't angry at all.

He leaned to the side and whispered in Wendy's ear in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Don't make me angry. Your mockery is useless to me. Do you want to stay away from me? Well, as long as you say that I won't marry Evan, I will leave immediately."

Wendy raised her eyebrows slightly. "I'm a little petty. Sara, help Master Hanson prepare the bowls and chopsticks."

After she finished speaking, the corners of her lips curled into an unbridled smile. "Second Brother, you're at your younger brother's house now that you're here. You're welcome. Eat more."

Hanson's expression instantly turned dark and cold.

Wendy turned around and continued to help Evan with the dishes.