Chapter 192 Do you want a drink?

When Wendy returned home, Yilia called her.

She asked what Eason had said, and Yilia only said that she didn't want to mention anything related to the Will family.

Wendy didn't want to inquire about other people's privacy. As long as Yilia's fate changed, he couldn't say anything more.

Yilia changed the subject and said, "Wendy, I'm going to re-enter the Fragrance Room today."

When it came to this, Wendy was very happy. "That's great. Yilia, when your injury is healed, I will recommend you to Mr. Brown."

Yilia was a little surprised. "Nathan is going to work for Mr. Brown?"

Wendy nodded. "That's right."

She told Yilia about her plan. Yilia couldn't help but worry. "I quit for such a long time. Will Director Bo still be willing to accept me?"

Wendy knew that Yilia must be self-abased and worried now, just like the days when she just came back, when she entered the dressing room, she was inexplicably helpless.