Chapter 16 You Are Worthy of Me

Not long after Lesly fell asleep, she was awoken by an alarm.

She instinctively turned over and sat up. She then picked up the phone at the bedside.

The phone's screen had become completely red. A word continuously appeared on the screen. "Intruder."

This was a security monitoring system set by Lucca. As long as a stranger approached the small house, the alarm would remind them.

Lesly put on her shoes and ran out of the bedroom in a few steps.

Lucca was also awakened. As soon as he opened the door, he ran to Lulu's room next door. Seeing Lesly come out, Lucca calmly said, "Mommy, there are bad people coming. I'll take my sister to hide."

Lesly nodded and went to the balcony. She opened a corner of the curtain and looked down.

At the gate downstairs, a black figure with a barrel of oil quietly approached the door of the small house. The black figure then poured gasoline along the wall little by little.

The strong smell of gasoline drifted through the cracks of the window.