Chapter 22You Used Me

Lesly drank a whole glass of Brandy in one go. The alcohol burned down Lesly's throat. For a moment, she felt like vomiting, but she held it back.

"Alright, I've finished it," Lesly said in a hoarse voice as she put the glass in front of Gavin. "Can we talk now?"

Gavin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lesly's face. Her face had turned slightly red from the alcohol.

He remembered that this woman's drinking tolerance used to be very bad. She could only drink two glasses of red wine.

"Tell me, what did you do in the past six years?"

Lesly held the table for support as the alcohol began to work. She was a little drunk, and her self-control had weakened. She became rude. "What I have done has nothing to do with you. Gavin, we are divorced. You have no right to ask about my private affairs."

Gavin's eyes darkened. Lesly's impatient and sharp appearance made him very uncomfortable. He preferred Lesly from six years ago, who was obedient and quiet.