Chapter 24 How Many Men Have You Slept With?

Lesly was thrown on the bed violently, and Gavin cornered her and went straight to the point...

With one hand on the bed, he bent down and stared at Lesly fiercely. He gritted his teeth and asked the woman below him, "How many men have you slept with in the past six years?"

Lesly's head was resting on the pillow. The pillow was soft and comfortable. She felt dizzy and sleepy.

She struggled to lift up her eyes and looked at the person in front of her. She muttered, "I'm sleepy, I want to... to sleep first."

After saying that, Lesly closed her eyes and slept immediately.

Gavin was stunned and caressed Lesly's face. "Hey, Lesly, you can't fall asleep!"

Unfortunately, Lesly had fallen asleep as her face tilted to the side. No matter how hard Gavin shook her, she remained asleep.

Gavin lost his interest. Holding back his anger, he got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

He went to to the shower. Cold water fell on his body, extinguishing the heat from his body.