Chapter 45 She Had Other Children

The fever did not recede even until the next day. Lesly could not leave Lulu alone, so she had to ask for leave from Gavin. She would not go to his house on Sunday.

After answering Lesly's call, Gavin said coldly, "Up to you."

After that, he hung up the phone.

After a while, Gavin sent another text message.

"However, let me remind you. According to the agreement, if you are absent for one week, you are not allowed to see Arnav for the next month."

Lesly clenched her phone tightly, but she looked at the weak Lulu. She had no choice but to reply to Gavin, "Okay."

In Gavin's house, seeing Lesly's reply, Gavin's face turned completely cold.

He got up, left his desk, and went to the alcohol cabinet to fetch a bottle of whiskey.

"Father." Arnav appeared at the door of the study. "Aren't you going out today?"

Gavin poured half a glass of alcohol, took a big sip, and then said, "No."

Arnav clung to the door frame. Although he got an answer, he did not leave immediately.