Chapter 60 Shameless

Vivian suggested that she should be responsible for the main parts of the design of ZR Company. Lesly would add details and modify them. In the end, both of their names would be on the clothing line. Vivian's name in the front and Lesly's name would be in the back.

Lesly agreed.

"It's settled then. I will give you the first draft in a week. Let's have pleasant cooperation, Ms. Atkins." Vivian took the initiative to shake hands with Lesly.

Lesly took her hand and nodded. "Let's enjoy this cooperation."

"I have other things to do, so I'll go first," Vivian said and left the cafe.

Vivian walked very fast. After she walked away, she took out her mobile phone and called Ariel. "I told her and she also promised... recording? Don't worry, I've recorded the whole conversation. Now, we just have to wait for a month to hand in the final draft. At that time, I will make her lose all her reputation!"
