Chapter 68 Enthusiastic Welcoming Party

Hanging up the call with Vivian, Lesly called Lucca and Lulu, telling them to listen to Amya and Finley today.

She chatted with the kids for a while before someone knocked on her door.

"Ms. Atkins, are you there?" The person who called her was Lesly's assistant, Hollie, "The department will have lunch in the pool at noon. When will you come?"

"Alright, I'll be right there," Lesly said a few words to Lucca and hung up the phone call.

She opened the door and went out.

Hollie followed Lesly and suddenly asked, "Ms. Atkins, after lunch, do you have any plans? We will go to the camping site near the mountain at 5 o'clock. There is still a long time to go."

Lesly said, "I may just rest in my room. You all can have fun."

"Aren't you going to the spa? I saw many colleagues making appointments already."

Lesly gave a bitter smile and said, "I'll probably ruin everyone's mood. So, I won't go. Enjoy yourself."