Chapter 76 Where's Daddy?

Gavin put down his phone and pinched the bridge of his nose. He calmed down and called Amya to ask her to look for Lulu in the cafe.

Amya immediately agreed.

"Is there any news about Lesly?"

Gavin pursed his lips. "Not yet."

Amya was disappointed. "Okay. If there's any news, please inform me immediately. I'll go look for Lulu first."

After hanging up, Amya immediately went to the coffee shop.

Fortunately, Lulu was there.

She sat in the booth in the corner, sobbing. The two girls in the cafe grabbed some toys, trying to find a way to make her happy, but it didn't work.

That lovely and beautiful little girl still cried so hard as she couldn't hold back her tears.

"Lulu!" Amya ran to her in a few steps and held her in her arms. "Why did you run away? Do you know that we were all worried about you?"

"Wahhhhh... Aunt Amya!" Lulu opened her mouth and burst into tears. "I know I'm wrong. I'm so scared."