Chapter 78 Wolf

Seeing the wolf rushing towards her, Lesly closed her eyes in despair.

When she couldn't see anything, her other senses immediately sharpened. Lesly could clearly smell the wolf and the stench in its mouth.

The wolf's claws pressed against her shoulder as she fell to the ground. Then, she felt something wet on her face. The wolf was using its tongue to lick her face.

The sticky texture was very uncomfortable.

Lesly struggled to get up. She grabbed the wolf's ear and pulled it hard.

"Ow—" The wolf cried out in pain, but it did not sound like a wolf. Instead, it sounded more like... a dog?

Lesly hurriedly opened her eyes and took a closer look.

The animal that towards Lesly with its claws and licked her face crazily was actually not a wolf, but a dirty husky. It was a dog!

The husky swung its tail vigorously and sat next to Lesly, trying to lick her hand again.

Lesly quickly withdrew her hand and sat up.