Chapter 88 The Fallen Angel Series Was Copied

Once the designs were completed, the next step was producing the clothing. Then, they held a press conference.

ZR treated the coming autumn press conference seriously. They even made an exception and promoted the Fallen Angel as the star of their press conference.

For a period of time, the Fallen Angel series, as well as the designer's name, Vivian, were all over the city. Even the DR company had placed posters of that clothing line in the most prominent positions.

For a period of time, Vivian's career skyrocketed. No matter where she went, she could hear the praises of the people. While her vanity was greatly satisfied, she completely forgot her original intention.

After several days, it finally reached the official runway show.

The person in charge of this runway show was still Lesly. Just before the models were about to go on stage, the whole venue suddenly fell into darkness.