Chapter 91 Proving Her Identity

The next day, Lesly logged into her own social media account. She ignored the thousands of hate messages in her direct messages and wrote a paragraph.

I think I owe you all an explanation for what happened the past few days.

I'm the designer Angel you're all talking about. As for the pregnant woman falling down, I'll also post a video with an explanation. I hope everyone can stop with the hate. Otherwise, I'll defend my rights with the law.

In actual fact, she used "Angel" this name when she first step into the fashion industry. Because of the exquisite design and the creative idea, she became popular instantly.

At that time, Lesly had made some money through that design. However, since she had returned to the city and would be busy with other things, she announced that she would leave the industry.

She also posted her certification authority as evidence alongside her original draft.