Chapter 96 Private Matter Between a Mum and a Daughter

Lesly played dumb. "I didn't tell her anything."

Gavin gritted his teeth. "Then what did you just say to her?"

He saw with his own eyes that the look in Lulu's eyes changed after she heard what Lesly said.

Lesly gave him a smile. "Sorry, this is a private matter between a mum and a daughter. I don't think there's a need to tell you."

After saying that, Lesly didn't even look at him. She took all the food in her hands and went straight to the kitchen.

Compared to his peers, Arnav was too thin. She had to give him enough nutrients.

Arnav took Lulu to his room and showed her his secret garden. Lesly used her skills in the kitchen. She had to admit that there were all kinds of spices in the kitchen. It would be better if there was no one watching her from the side.

Lesly was going to cook some corn soup. Lucca and Lulu liked corn soup the most, so it was likely that Arnav would like it as well.

"Are you going to make some stew?"