Chapter 106 Pop up in the hospital

Amya blamed herself so much that her tears were about to fall. She said, "Since you left, Lucca has been locked up in the room alone. No matter what we said to him, he didn't speak. He didn't even eat the food we sent. I wanted to call you, but he refused."

After hearing this, Lesly also felt bitter in her heart. She understood what Lucca meant, because she didn't want to disturb her.

She reached out and patted her. "Okay, I got it. I'll go and see Lucca first."

After saying that, Lesly got up and went straight to Lucca's room.

There was no light in the room, but the moonlight shining in from outside the window allowed her to clearly see the little figure lying on the bed.

It was exactly the same as what she saw when she went to find Arnav. Both of them were emitting the same loneliness.

At that moment, a great sense of self-blame and guilt attacked Lesly. During the days when she was away, how scared Lucca should be.