Chapter 113 It's gonna be revealed

Lulu couldn't bear to part with Brother Arvav, nor could she bear to part with this bad uncle who had been repeatedly reminded by her mommy.

Although her mommy had always been saying that he was bad, she was very kind to him. If he was here, no one would ever say that she was a child without a father.

"Lulu, what's wrong with you?"

Lesly couldn't hide her shock. She squatted down to look at her and couldn't help saying, "Lulu has promised mommy to go with her, hasn't she?"

Lulu hugged her arm and begged, "Mommy, shall we stay for a little longer? I haven't had enough fun with Brother Arvav yet."

The corners of Gavin's mouth curled into a smug smile. He reached out to stroke Lulu's little head and said, "Lulu, you're such a good girl. Since you don't want to leave, just stay here. You can stay for as long as you want."

There was an unconcealable disappointment in Lesly's eyes, but after all, she was just a child. If she didn't want to leave, she couldn't.