Chapter 121 She didn't love him since long time ago

Gavin was stunned, and then he sneered.

He looked down at Lesly arrogantly. He could crush this woman's pride at any time.

But at this moment, he was interested. He wanted to see what kind of storm this woman could make.

The atmosphere instantly became tense. Lesly clenched her fists beside her. Just as she was about to say something, the phone suddenly rang in the air and rang.

The moment Gavin answered the call, a flustered female voice came from the other end of the line. "Hey, Gavin, where are you?"

"What's wrong?"

Gavin frowned and glanced at Lesly. Then he got up and went to answer the phone on the other side.

"I've run into something. Can you come and keep me company for a while? I don't know what's wrong with me. My stomach hurts badly. The doctor said that after the last miscarriage, it left a sequelae."

Millie kept crying, and her voice was still soft. "Gavin, I really couldn't stand the pain, so I called you. Come and stay with me for a while, okay?"