Chapter 134 Give Harry a chance

Harry seemed to be stimulated. He took Lesly's arm and said stubbornly, "Why can't you forgive Gavin again and again? Why can't you forgive me? And I did that because I love you. I really want to protect you."

Lesly was pinched in pain by him. She failed to get rid of Harry several times in a row. On the contrary, she was caught even more tightly.

She frowned and said coldly, "You're hurting me."

Harry quickly let go of his hand and took a few steps back, looking helpless like a child who had done something wrong. He hurriedly explained, "Lesly, I didn't do it on purpose."

"I know."

Lesly said calmly, "I really appreciate that you have helped me so much, but I really don't know that you have other feelings for me. I really can't give you the identity of a lover. You also see how much failure I have in my life. You are not suitable to waste time on me. If you want to start a relationship, we can still be friends."