Chapter 17 Who Wants Your Sh*tty Money?

Upon returning home, Rachel entered the house and saw Rodney coming down from upstairs. She sat down angrily and said, "Rodney, that Amber Stone was extremely shameless. We had underestimated her all that while."

"Mum, you went to find her?" Rodney frowned slightly.

"It wasn't me who looked for her, she's the one looking for me. This morning, she suddenly came to see me and asked me to give her a hundred million dollars." Rachel wanted to smear Amber, so her words were naturally twisted.

"She looked for you? Why would she be looking for you?" Rodney asked in return.

"She must be unsatisfied! She's living a poor life after her divorce with you. Seeing that your company is getting bigger and bigger and that you're going to get engaged to Celia soon, she wanted to blackmail me for a sum of money. She said that if we don't give her the money, she will disclose that Celia was pregnant previously and cause both of you to lose your reputation."

"Did she really say that?"