Chapter 26 Can’t Rush It, Take It Slow

Of course, Amber would not let Noemi suffer on her behalf. She thought over and over again, since this was all because of herself, she had to go and make it clear to Rodney. However, he never answered her phone again.

She went to Rodney's company resignedly, but was stopped by the front desk receptionist. "Miss, what can I do for you? Do you have an appointment?"

The female receptionist who stopped Amber was not the same receptionist she met when she came here the last time. It was a different person. Amber knew this woman. Three years ago, the woman was also the receptionist of Rodney's company in City A. She didn't expect that three years later, Rodney would actually bring her along to South City.

Three years ago, whenever Amber wanted to meet Rodney, she would always help her and gently press the lift button. But now, she spoke to her in an indifferent tone instead.

Sure enough, things had changed. Amber controlled herself and said, " I wish to meet your company's president."