Chapter 35 Scheming

Elliot soon received the news that Amber had been attacked. He immediately ordered the public relations team to settle it, deleting the offensive posts, and also blocking the accounts that had been paid to post offensively. However, the impact of this matter had been expanded.

Everyone demanded Amber to give a direct response. Walter suggested for Amber to clarify herself, but Elliot shook his head. Seeing such a vicious attack, a man like him could not stand it, let alone a woman.

It was better not to tell Amber about this matter and to settle it privately.

Elliot called Noemi, who naturally knew about these negative comments as well. She was having a meeting with the public relations team of the TV station, discussing how to deal with the aftermath.

Picking up Elliot's call, she angrily told him all about how Amber was bullied by her mother-in-law, how her husband cheated on her, impregnated the mistress, and how she was kicked out without a penny.