Chapter 273 Embarrassed

Seeing this, Serena was so embarrassed that she flipped to the next page of the reflection. It was written as below.

"I admit that I was annoyed. I was jealous. I was wondering what kind of relationship you have with her. As an employee of Parableutions, I was wrong. But as a wife, I feel that I was not wrong, because this is the emotion that I should have.

Written by your wife, Serena.

This reflection made Serena extremely ashamed. It was almost noon when she dressed up and appeared in the restaurant.

Seeing Serena, Lia immediately pulled her aside and asked in a low voice, "Why are you so late? It's almost lunch time."

"I've overslept." Serena reached out to touch her face and answered.

"Was it fun last night?" Lia rubbed her shoulder against Serena's.

Serena rolled her eyes at her, took out the reflection from her pocket, and asked, "You did a good job!"