Chapter 286 News Exposed

Glancing at the clear porridge, side dishes, and chopped spring onion roll on the table, Elliot pursed his lips. In the end, he couldn't resist the protest of his stomach. He sat down and began to eat his breakfast obediently. Not to mention that the taste was not bad, he, who was in a hurry, actually changed to sit at the table and had a big meal.

Serena, on the other hand, sat opposite him, holding her chin and watching him eat. He sat straight and did not say a word. He looked too elegant when eating. He was like a noble prince. Watching him eat was also a kind of enjoyment.

Perhaps it was too quiet in the house, Serena couldn't help but start to talk. "Breakfast is very important, especially for people like you who have to work for the whole morning. Humans and food are interdependent. If you don't eat, it's easy for you to have stomach problems. And..."