CHAPTER 466: Life is Like a Play

  The next afternoon, Nina from next door had already been sitting on a small stool outside her door for half a day. Serena went out to take out the trash, and Nina started to make snide remarks. "Serena, didn't you say that your child's father would come and pick you two up today? I've been sitting here since morning, and I still haven't seen him. Is your child a wild child without a father?"

  Nina had been a widow since she was young, and she raised her only son on her own. Due to her harsh personality, her daughter-in-law refused to live with her. Now she lives alone, and her son only comes to visit occasionally. Her daughter-in-law and herself have a strained relationship, so they never come with her grandson.

  As Nina got older, her temper became more and more strange. She loved to argue about everything and had a foul mouth. She was notorious in the area, and Serena had suffered from her for many years as a neighbor.