CHAPTER 541 Irreconcilable Differences

  Upon hearing Lia's words, Serena immediately looks towards the bald old man who just walked in, ignoring Elliot's gaze. Patrick Hayes is of medium build, with a big belly and a shiny bald head. However, he dresses fashionably in a milk-white suit and a black tie. From afar, one can see the green jade ring on his finger.

  Serena is excited to see him, as he looks exactly like his photo, making him easy to recognize. However, when her eyes fall on the woman dressed in pearls and jewels who is holding Patrick Hayes' arm, she freezes!


  The woman holding Patrick Hayes' arm is Jamie. Serena looks again, afraid that her eyes are playing tricks on her.

  Tonight, Jamie wears a white silk cheongsam with exquisite embroidery, worth a fortune. She and Patrick Hayes are dressed like a couple, both wearing a full set of green jade jewelry on their ears, necks, and hands. It's luxurious and grandiose. If it weren't for Jamie's heavy makeup, she would look like a different person.