Antonie! Do you, as a child, know what it means to fight and curse?

  "Charming?" "Is it just men and women playfully fighting?" Antonie looked at Serena innocently with her round, big eyes for an answer.

  "Who taught you all of this?" Serena couldn't believe that Antonie, who is not even five years old yet, already knows this kind of vocabulary.

  "One time, I heard it from Dad!" Antonie's hand immediately pointed to Elliot.

  Elliot was caught off guard even while lying down, and said mysteriously, "When did I say that?"

  "There was one time when I was about to fall asleep, and you whispered in Mommy's ear, but I still heard it." Antonie looked up with a serious expression on her face.

  At this moment, Elliot and Serena looked at each other because they had mentioned this word a few days ago, but they didn't expect the little one to overhear it. Serena felt extremely regretful in front of her son.