Chapter 8 Grace Johnston, Are You Trying to Fool Me?

Fortunately, Paige caught my phone.

She looked at the numbers on the screen. "Is it Phoenix?"

I nodded.

The phone continued to ring.

Seeing that I intended not to pick up, she responded, "I'll pick it up for you." 

As soon as she pressed the answer button, I panicked and grabbed the phone over. With a trembling voice, I answered, "Hello?"

"Where are you?"

The impatience in his voice was evident from the other side of the line.

I eyed Paige nervously and replied, "At my friend's place."

"Come home in an hour."

He hung up without giving me any chance to reject.

His words were like God's words. Although Paige didn't want me to leave in a rush, I did not dare to disobey him. In the end, she dragged me into applying a scheming makeup and left me final pieces of advice.

I stood in front of his villa's door and was prepared to knock exactly after an hour and a minute.

He opened the door and looked at his watch. "Did you do it on purpose?"

"What?" I acted innocent.

He looked at me, unable to hide the amazement in his expression. But soon, he turned around, pointed at a file on the table and instructed, "Sign this."

"What's this?" I asked as I walked over and poured the contents out of the file.

A credit card fell out as well.

The file contained documents of a mistress contract.

My heart dropped.

Before I was done reading, he started explaining, "Be my mistress for a year. I'll give you fifty thousand dollars per month, and a credit card with a limit of fifty thousand dollars..."

"No." I interrupted before he was done and placed the agreement back on the table. Seeing his bad look, I tried to be diplomatic. "I'm sorry. I had too many drinks that day and talked nonsense."

I did drink too much that day. I couldn't accept such arrangements after I sobered up.

After all, I have lived in the orphanage for 19 years and received the help of many kind-hearted people. How could I become a mistress after all that?

"It's okay if you don't sign it. I'll get my marriage certificate with Lola tomorrow and throw a better wedding."

He sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and remained calm.

His words hit me where I hurt.


If they did get married, the Johnstons would achieve what they hoped for and when the time comes, Phoenix would have his methods of making me surrender those shares.

I would never stand a chance against him.

I stood grounded, thousands of thoughts were racing through my mind. If I wanted revenge on the Johnstons, Phoenix was the only way.

"Have you decided?" He asked.

I picked up the pen and flipped the agreement to its last page.

As I was about to put my signature down, I found a condition that read, "I will not engage in any intimate behaviours with other men, and I will not ask about his relationship with other women."

I instantly knew that this was a trap that Phoenix had set up for me so that I could never hold my head up high again.

I was about to sign Lola's name on it, but before I could finish, the pen was suddenly snatched away.

Phoenix's cold warnings followed. "Grace Johnston, are you trying to fool me?"