Chapter 17 An Expensive Dress

After that day, I haven't seen Phoenix for almost a month.

Life gradually returned to its place. I numbed myself with work so that I could forget that I had such a marriage.

Today was the day I received my salary. Paige had wanted me to treat her to a meal.

I didn't want her to wait, so I got off work on time.

As soon as I got out of my office, a man in a suit came over and greeted me politely, "Hello, Ms. Johnston. I'm Mr. Waller's driver. I was asked to pick you up."

People around me were giving me weird looks.

 I was a little shocked. "Mr. Waller? Phoenix?"

Why would he pick me up?

The driver explained, "The chairman wants to see you, that is, Mr. Waller's grandfather."

Remembering that phone call from a month ago, I wanted to reject. I was afraid that Phoenix would insult me in front of his grandfather.

But I couldn't decline.

I had no choice but to follow the driver into the car.

He took me to Star Space and gave me a silver card to buy an outfit.