Chapter 33 A New Life

He watched me walk towards the toiletries and said shyly, "I've never bought anything for a woman before. I don't know which brands are better, so I bought a few that smelled good."

"Thank you." I opened a shampoo to smell it.

It smelled good.

After that, he took me to dinner.

During our meal, he mentioned that he was starting a business and asked if I was willing to be a designer in his company.

I knew he was trying to help me, but I've been in prison for so long, so I'm not sure if I'm qualified for this position.

Matteo listened to me and merely replied four words, "I believe in you."

After dinner, he took me to his company for a spin and showed me my office desk.

It was a desk in a corner that was closest to his office.

"I remember that you used to like sitting in a corner during college," Matteo explained.

"Thank you."

Other than thanking him, I didn't know what else to say.

In the evening, Matteo sent me home and left.